Why building a buyer persona can help you win more business - Suzanne Donovan Copywriter
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Why building a buyer persona can help you win more business

Are you ready to create a buyer persona for your business but you’re not sure where to start? Or are you asking yourself, “What’s a buyer persona?” Either way, if you want to take your marketing to the next level, this post is for you.


A buyer persona is a fictional person that represents your ideal customer. And being clear about your perfect customer is crucial if you want to increase conversions so your business will grow.


The role of a buyer persona is to help you shape your marketing, by pinpointing the exact needs of your ideal customer(s). If your marketing doesn’t address the needs of your target audience and fails to provide a viable solution to their problems, it’s going to fall flat, and you won’t get the response you’ve been hoping for.


So now you know why a buyer persona is crucial for business success, let’s start by creating yours.


Start with the basics


First, take a look at your customer base, and jot down the high-level demographics of your target audience: their age, gender, marital and family status, education, profession, household income, and location.


Get creative


Start to dig a little deeper. What’s your ideal customer’s personality type; are they extrovert or introvert? What are their politics? How might they spend their time: for example, where do they go before work (if they work), where do they go in the evenings, and weekends? How and when do they use social media, when and where do they shop?


Visualise how this person might look. Get creative and do a rough sketch, or flick through a magazine and find a photo. Stick the image on the wall or whiteboard, and bring the buyer persona to life by giving them a name.


What’s in it for me?


The next step is to think, “What’s in it for me?” – or WIIFM in marketing speak. This question is your next step towards crafting your marketing to your buyer persona’s specific needs. What are their goals and motivations? What are the problems they face in day-to-day life?


Write this information around their picture and think about your Unique Selling Point; what makes your product or service genuinely different in the marketplace? And what are the benefits your business can bring to the table? How will your product or service solve their problem?


Show some empathy


If you can imagine how your buyer persona feels about the problems they face, you can use empathetic language in your comms. Understand their problems and communicate using the right language, and your customers are far more likely to buy into any solution you propose.


Get the tone of voice right


It’s crucial to write using your buyer persona’s language so you can emotionally connect with them. When you begin writing, imagine you’re chatting over a cup of coffee. And crucially, bear in mind that you should only ever use acronyms or jargon if you’re 100% sure your buyer persona would understand those terms.


Segment your target market


Once you’ve completed this process, you might discover you have more than one buyer persona, so just repeat the process. By pinpointing the behaviour of each segment of your target market, you can create (or adapt) marketing material by answering specific questions, addressing any objections, and writing targeted blog posts to address their needs.


Test and learn


Creating buyer personas will result in stronger, more engaging, persuasive messaging. And that means more conversions. So why not start testing your comms using this process and see for yourself. Let me know how you get on!